How Much Sugar Do You Eat In A Year?
The Average American Eats 100 Pounds of Sugar A Year
How To Find the Hidden Sugar In Your Food
Contrary to what you may believe, your body does not need sugar to survive! Your body uses protein, fat and carbohydrates for energy and survival. Your body will convert most carbohydrates, if not already in the form of sugar, to sugar for fuel. Carbohydrates are broken down into 2 categories, simple and complex. Fruits & Veggies are the best complex carbohydrates, while refined sugars and flour are bad simple carbohydrates. Sugary drinks account for most of the refined sugar American consume. A packet of table sugar in a restaurant is 4 grams. A 20 ounce Coke can have 65 grams of sugar; That's over 16 packs of table sugar!!! Seven of these drinks contains 1 pound of refined sugar.
Sugar may also be hidden in names like "high fructose corn syrup".
Get your sugar from natural, complex, unrefined sugar found in fruits & vegetables. Your body can metabolize these sugars in a healthy way that will not harm your body or cause weight gain.
Refined sugar has no nutritional value and is just empty calories. But don't be fooled into drinking the "diet" drinks. Just because they market "0 Calories" does not mean that they are healthy. The newest research shows that diet drinks may keep excess weight or even add weight to your body...
You Can Count On Us For All of your Nutritional Advice!
Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin Wellness & Weight Loss (727) 733-1601
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