10 Worst Foods to Feed Your Children Part 1 of 2
When it comes to the best and worst foods for kids, oftentimes parents have little bargaining power.
There are some obviously healthy foods—berries and sliced bananas on cereal—and unhealthy foods—a cheeseburger and a side of fries for lunch every day. Then there are the foods that parents think are nourishing and delicious, but that actually have very little nutritional value and a whole heap of hidden fats and sugars.
Here are ten of the worst foods that you can feed your children when it comes to breakfast, lunches, dinners and snack options…
1) Kid's Breakfast Cereal. Way too much sugar and processed ingredients per serving. Look for a cereal that is whole grain, high in fiber, at least 3 grams per serving and one that has less than 10 grams of sugar per serving. Add a dab of honey or maple syrup if it needs some sweetening.
2) Granola Bars. WHAT?! Many geared for children are filled with sugar, high fructose syrup and artificial dyes. Alternative, whip up your own with natural almond or peanut butter, raisins, coconut, dried fruit etc.
3) Luncheon Meats. Bologna, smoked ham are full of nitrates, a preservative used in food processing that drastically increases the risk of heart disease and cancer.
4) Snack Cakes. For obvious reasons of course. Ho-Ho's, Twinkies, they are packed with trans fats, the most unhealthy processed fat known to man. If your child needs something sweet, you help them much more by giving them berries, grapes or baked cookies with natural ingredients.
5) French Fries. Yet another obvious one, but how many times do we need to drive thru in a rush and they are screaming for them? French fries offer very little if almost no nutritional value as well as encourage weight gain. They are super high in sodium and fat. Next time if they are begging, opt for baked chips or bake some potato wedges instead.
For more nutritional information, or healthy weight loss help and counsel, call our Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin office at 727-733-1601
We can set you up with a plan designed specifically for you and your body type to help you lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy your life!
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