10 Worst Foods to Feed Your Children part 2 of 2
When it comes to the best and worst foods for kids, oftentimes parents have little bargaining power.
There are some obviously healthy foods—berries and sliced bananas on cereal—and unhealthy foods—a cheeseburger and a side of fries for lunch every day. Then there are the foods that parents think are nourishing and delicious, but that actually have very little nutritional value and a whole heap of hidden fats and sugars.
Here are ten of the worst foods that you can feed your children when it comes to breakfast, lunches, dinners and snack options…
6) Pizza. Yes it's the easiest thing to grab especially after a stressful day, but be aware though that the pizza that comes to your door is a far cry from the kind you could make and bake in just a few minutes in your own oven at home. Keep a few whole wheat crusts from the store in your fridge along with natural low-fat cheese, veggies, chicken etc. to throw together on that busy evening!
7) Fruit juice. Not only do they leave stains all over your home and car, they are also full of sugars and artificial colors. Most juices lack fiber and vitamins because they're void of any real juice. Water is the best source for staying hydrated. Period.
8) Crackers. Yes it might save your children from a melt down, but that gratifying crunch they get comes packed with processed, white flour, preservatives and unhealthy oils. Find an organic brand that has whole grains. Not only is it much healthier, but it will also leave them fuller longer.
9) Soda. Just imagine pouring a spoon full of sugar down your child's mouth. Soda not only affects your child's waistline, it's also damaging their teeth.
10) Fruit Snacks. Put down that strawberry fruit roll! It likely doesn’t contain any real fruit anyway. Nutritionists attest that most fruit snacks are actually candy masked in a health label—and no, “fruit juice” doesn’t count. Instead, add some real fruit and fiber to your kids’ lunches in the form of dried whole fruit, like raisins or apricots, or fresh grapes, berries, and sliced apples and pears.
For more nutritional information, or healthy weight loss help and counsel, call our Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin office at 727-733-1601
We can set you up with a plan designed specifically for you and your body type to help you lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy your life!
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