You are what you eat....part 2

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

You might not have literally fallen, but you might feel like this is your life right now. One ache after another. One sickness after another. You feel like your life is on a downward spiral! Maybe every once in a while there is a bright light somewhere, but it doesn't seem to last long.
What are you eating???
Our previous post was on Inflammation. A high level of inflammation within the body can cause many health problems. An easy way to combat this? Eat more anti-inflammatory foods and eliminate the inflammatory ones. 
But, what is an anti-inflammatory food? Here is a list of some top anti-inflammatory foods.
1. Wild Alaskan Salmon: Salmon contains anti-inflammatory omega-3s (wild is better than farmed) and has been known to help numerous ailments. Try and incorporate oily fish into your diet twice weekly. If you don't like fish, try a high quality fish supplement.
2. Kelp: High in fiber, this brown algae extract helps control liver and lung cancer, douses inflammation, and is anti-tumor and anti-oxidative.  
3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
4. Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower are all loaded with antioxidants. Naturally detoxifying, they can help rid the body of possible harmful compounds.
5. Blueberries: Blueberries not only reduce inflammation, but they can protect the brain from aging and prevent diseases, such as cancer and dementia.
6. Turmeric: This powerful Asian spice contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin, which is often found in curry blends. It is said to have the same effect as over-the counter pain relievers (but without their side effects). 
7. Ginger: Ginger contains a host of health benefits. Among them, it helps reduce inflammation and control blood sugar. Ginger tea is a great addition to any diet.
8. Garlic:
9. Green Tea:
10. Sweet Potato: A great source of complex carbs, fiber, beta-carotene, manganese and vitamin B6 and C, these potatoes actually help heal inflammation in the body. 
Want to feel better? Tired of being tired? Then make a choice TODAY to take charge of what you eat!
For more information, or a consultation with Dr. Drew D. Kycynka call our office at 727-733-1601


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