Call the doctor! Part 3 of 6

6 Misconceptions about Chiropractic:

Are you not quite sure what to expect when you go to the chiropractor for the first time? Do you have some fears about chiropractic? We hope that the following information will shed some light on your questions and fears and put your mind at ease.

Third Misconception:

Medical Doctors do not like chiropractors.

This is not completely true but unfortunately, some medical practitioners don’t, because they usually do not fully understand what we do, or they are afraid of losing money.

One mother took her 6 month old son to his pediatrician for a regular wellness check up. At the visit the Dr. noticed that his neck was completely better! He was born with a condition called Torticollis, where the neck muscles are pulled to one side, causing a tilt and possible facial abnormalities later in life. The healing process usually requires months of stretching and sometimes therapy, but this went away in a matter of a couple weeks! When the Dr. asked what happened, the mother replied that she took her son to a chiropractor and after 2 visits, her son was completely better. The Doctor replied that usually, she doesn't recommend Chiropractors, but in this case it was a good idea.

We actually have received referrals from Medical Doctors, and we have even referred some patients to be seen by certain medical doctors. The key is fully understanding one another. The body has this amazing ability to heal itself when given the proper, guidance, counsel, help, nutrition and encouragement.

We believe in listening to your body. Why is something hurting? Is it something you're doing physically that needs to be changed? Why are you sick? Is it something you are always putting in your body? We don't want to just cover your symptom with a pill, we want to eliminate it!

Call our Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin office TODAY for a consultation, 727-733-1601


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