Where does it all begin?

My feet aren't in pain, so why would I need Stabilizing Orthotic Inserts for my shoes?

Your feet are your foundation. That being said, they are often the starting point for pain. Your feet do not have to hurt for them to be causing pain/imbalances somewhere else in your body.
An unsupported foot can cause pain in the neck, low back, hips and knees. Pain shooting up through your leg to your back can be a direct result of weaknesses or imbalances in the feet.
Here is a comparison between Unsupported Feet, and Supported Feet:
Support for your feet will produce balance in the body. It all starts at your foundation. Stabilizing orthotics help maintain the feet's 3-arch structure. When that happens, you give strength to support the weight of the entire body.
At Coastal Chiropractic we can show you by scanning your feet just how much support they need.
Call us today for a free consultation, 727-733-1601


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