Just Say No!

Warning, side effects could include....

Headache, vomiting, liver failure, asthma symptoms, memory loss, tingling of the full body, kidney failure, heart failure...........the list goes on! What is causing all these possible side effects? Anything from Tylenol to your most popular high blood pressure medication.
It is so easy to pop a pill and simply "mask" the problem. We want to help you heal completely, not just feel good for a few hours.
Your body's natural ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe. Especially in a time like now where you have a drug for anything and everything! 
Did you know that modern chiropractic was founded in 1895 by B.J. Palmer, when after studying the nervous system tried adjusting the neck of a deaf patient which resulted in the restoration of his hearing!
How Does it Work?
The art of Chiropractic is to restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself, by taking pressure off the nerves caused by your spine that may not be aligned correctly. Have you ever had a paper cut? The initial cut stings, but within a few days after a bit more soreness and the surrounding skin peeling somewhat, the cut simply disappears. This is a perfect example of the body’s ability to heal itself. Nothing was done to treat the paper cut; the body just took care of it.

The body is like it's own natural drug store, containing it's own healing and immunities for whatever is ailing. As long as the nervous system is able to function without interference from pinched nerves, natural healing can take place, in addition to the proper function of the immune system. However, if an injury occurs resulting in a vertebrae being moved out of alignment, or a muscle spasm from an injury or repeated motion causes a misalignment, the surrounding nerves can become pinched, resulting in improper function of the body. This can lead to lower resistance to disease as well as pain. The proper relationship between the spine and the nervous system is the only way to preserve and restore good health.

We at Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin care about your overall health and understand the importance of having a healthy immune system. What goes in must come out right? What are you feeding your body? Are you helping build your natural immune system or are you tearing it down?

We can help! Call us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Drew D. Kycynka  727-733-1601


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