How To Thrive In The World of Stress We Live In
Maintaining Proper Balance in Life
Homeostasis: The body's ability to maintain proper internal function in the presence of external influence.
Your Nervous System controls and coordinates everything your body does, from digesting food to creating energy to creating hormones, anti-biotics, anti-inflammatories and pain-killers. Simply put, your body is the world's greatest drugstore! Your brain is in constant communication with every cell in your body, over 70 trillion of them at any given time. Because your brain controls and coordinates every activity and bodily function, it is imperative to maintain optimal nerve flow in order to live a life as healthy as you can possibly be. Every organ, muscle, gland and tissue in your body is connected to your brain by nerves that are like two-way superhighways of communication sending and receiving instant messages for continual, non-stop function.
Chiropractic care maintains the body's "homeostasis" by regulating normal nerve flow and function from the spinal cord the peripheral nerves of all body parts and regions. Like a giant factory with many divisions, your body is one being with many systems working together. It is crucial to make sure that every body system is functioning at optimal levels; this is what wellness is all about and this is what Chiropractic care is all about...
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Gentle, safe, effective care for all ages, here at Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin.
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