Number One Secret To Stop Getting Colds

Boosting Immune System Function With Chiropractic

How A Chiropractor Changes Lives By Helping The Body Thrive

"Every minute of every day your body is fighting off bacteria, viruses, infections & cancer", says Dr. Drew D. Kycynka, DC.  "Your Immune System is your body defense against getting sick.  When your immune system is weakened, that's when you get sick", Dr. Drew adds.

Boosting the immune system is the secret to a life free from sickness, illness & disease. Exercising and eating a healthy diet free of processed food & sugar are a good start, however, people who are under regular chiropractic care have been shown to have stronger immune systems.  These people have fewer colds, flues and other sicknesses.

"When we get a cough, sniffle, scratchy throat or other symptom, we tend to try and mask the symptom with a drug of some sort.  This actually works against what our body is trying to accomplish.  Boosting your immune system with good food, vitamin C or B-Complex, along with getting chiropractic adjustments, all work with your body's natural healing process and will shorten the duration of any symptoms. 

Dr. Drew D. Kycynka, DC
Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin
(727) 733-1601


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