Chiropractic Care For Children Palm Harbor, Clearwater, Dunedin

The Safe & Natural Alternative To Drugs & Surgery

Why Do Kids Need Chiropractic Care?

"Children respond to chiropractic care immediately, in most cases", says Dr. Drew D. Kycynka, DC.
"Most people can't understand why kids would need chiropractic care, because they think that it's only for low back pain, however, we treat children every day for colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies, colds, flues, bronchitis, sleep disorders, bed-wetting, headaches & scoliosis--and they respond instantly, because they haven't had years of wear and tear on their spines".  He adds, "ear infections are the number one reason parents brings their kids to us.  We've saved hundreds of kids from ear surgery and tubes".

The basic premise is that the spinal column houses and protects the delicate spinal cord and nerve roots, which exit through holes in the spinal bones.  The brain controls and coordinates everything the body does by communicating to the body parts through these nerves.  If the spine gets misaligned, pressure can be placed on these nerves which interferes with normal function of the body part which that nerve controls.  This leads to dysfunction, symptoms, illness & disease.  "We can gently correct these misalignments, removing the nerve interference, allowing the body to function normally again and heal itself", states Dr. Drew.  

"We're not putting anything in the body, nor are we taking anything out.  No drugs, no injections, no surgery.  Just a gentle adjustment to the spine that gets the body working better.  The best part is, the kids really love us, because we're not poking them with needles or giving yucky medications", exclaims Dr. Drew.

Chiropractic care has been proven safe and effective for infants and children and there are no side effects to the "adjustments".  With almost 25 years in practice, Dr. Drew has treated hundreds of children for all sorts of ailments with an extremely high success rate.

For more information call Dr. Drew at Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin (727) 733-1601.


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