How A Chiropractor Saved My Life
The Migraine Magic Cure
My Chiropractic Story & Why I Became A Chiropractor
From the time that I can remember until I was 12 years old, I suffered from severe migraine headaches. Headaches so intense that the only temporary relief I would get was pulling my hair out or banging my head against the wall. Nausea, dizziness, vertigo, vomiting & pounding head pain would all come at the same time, lasting 4-5 days. Normal light was like sharp pieces of glass being pushed into my eyes. Normal sounds were magnified 100 times, so any normal conversation, music or background noise only intensified the symptoms.
My parents took me to all the medical "specialists" that they could find, in an atempt to find "the magic cure". They all said the same thing, that I had "inherited" them from my mother. I would have much rather inherited a fortune, a house or a nice car, but this was not the case...
My mother's migraines would last 2-3 weeks. She lived in a darkened bedroom, coming out to fix us some dinner or see us off to school. She lived on Valium & tranquilizers in an attempt to curb the pain. This didn't work much for her and she had all but given up on the "magic cure".
Finally, at 12 years old, in 1975, my mother read a newspaper advertisement about a chiropractor who was helping people with migraine headaches. We loaded up the station wagon and drove 45 minutes to see what this was all about, as none of us knew anything about chiropractic care. We met the doctor and he was very jovial, kind & compassionate. He had a different demeanor than all of the other medical doctors we had seen and even at 12 years old, I could see & feel that there was hope.
He examined my head, neck & spine and stated that the first bone in my upper neck, my atlas(C1 Vertebra) was out of "alignment" and that the nerves which came from this area of my spine went to my head and could cause migraines and many other symptoms. He said that he could correct this problem with something called a chiropractic "adjustment", a gentle movement to my neck to re-align the vertebrae. He found some other misalignments in the rest of my spine, which he also called "subluxations", essentially misaligned spinal bones that pinch nerves.
At this point in my life I did not want to continue living in this prison of pain and I was ready for any slight chance of hope, no matter what the consequence. The doctor found some similar "subluxations" in my mother, father & brother's spines, as well. So we all began our new "road to health". The doctor "adjusted" my spine and I heard some cracking & popping, which felt a little weird, but was not painful at all. My mom, dad & brother also got "adjusted" with similar procedures. I immediately felt different, but couldn't put my finger on what was different and couldn't explain it. The doctor said that the nerves were "flowing" better now so that my brain was communicating better with the rest of my body now, this is what I was feeling. Whatever it was, it felt pretty good! The best news of all is that, I never had a migraine again after that first chiropractic adjustment! I became a lifetime chiropractic patient and have been getting adjusted ever since and I have become a Chiropractic Physician, helping many people over the years who have also suffered from migraines and other types of headaches. My first Chiropractor saved my life and changed my life for the better. I have a special empathy & compassion for migraine sufferers and love to see them live pain-free after chiropractic has eliminated their headaches. My mom's migraines disappeared, my dad's neck and back pain disappeared and my brother's asthma & allergies disappeared. This is why I believe Chiropractic is the "magic cure".
If you would like more information on how we may be able to help you with your problems, call Dr. Drew D. Kycynka at Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin today at (727) 733-1601.
No Matter What You Have Been Told, You Don't Have To Live With Your Pain!
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