How To Reduce and Elimnate Joint Pain From Your Body

Deflame Your Body Naturally Without Drugs or Surgery

Clearwater, FL--"In the overwhelming majority of cases, we have been able to eliminate joint pain at any age, withoutdrugs or surgery", exclaims Dr. Drew Kycynka, of Coastal Chiropractic Tampa Bay, LLC.  If you understand the cause and mechanism of inflammation and pain, you will be much better equipped at reducing it and eliminating it from your life.  "Inflammatory chemicals are released into the body trigger pain receptors, which send pain signals to the brain.  This is the primary cause of joint pain in the majority of people that I have seen over the past 26 years", says Dr. Drew.  The American Diet is loaded with inflammatory foods which can release over a thousand different inflammatory chemicals into the body.  These inflammatory chemicals primarily cause inflammation in the intestines and joint tissues.
"Every day, a patient will ask me what is the best anti-inflammatory to take.  While Aleve, Advil, Motrin or Ibuprophen may all temporarily alleviate your inflammation, they only mask the problem, while causing digestive problems, gastro-intestinal bleeding, liver and kidney disease", states Dr. Drew.  "Studies have also shown that long-term use of these non-steroidals can actually accelerate joint degeneration".  

"By eliminating the foods that cause the inflammation, you will greatly reduce the barrage of inflammatory chemicals that cause the pain, therefore eliminating the root of your problem", Dr. Drew states. "We perform low-force Chiropractic adjustments to the joints, which also aids in the elimination of inflammatory chemicals through a bio-mechanical mechanism, known as nociception inhibition, restoring normal movement and function to the joint tissues".

Basically there are Omega-3 fats in our diet, which reduce inflammation, such as olive oil, fish oil, avocado oil and coconut oil.  Nuts are also a good source of these fats. Ginger, cumin, turmeric and other spices can be used in our food to also help reduce inflammation and pain.  On the flip side, there are Omega-6 fats that cause inflammation, such as corn oil and soy bean oil.  "When you look at how many processed foods in the American diet are cooked with corn oil and soybean oil, it is overwhelming to say the least", notes Dr. Drew.  "These oils are cheap to produce and they are extremely detrimental to the human body.  Simply eliminating foods cooked with these oils, adding more healthy Omega-3 fats to your diet and restoring and maintaining normal joint function with gentle Chiropractic adjustments is a great recipe to attain a pain-free life".  Dr. Drew also notes that sugar and flour in your diet are also highly inflammatory and should be avoided.

For more information, you can contact Dr. Drew Kycynka at Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin, (727) 733-1601.


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