Chiropractic: The Greatest Natural Healing Art & Proven Science

Chiropractic is a philosophy, art and science.  It is not a belief system.  Whether you believe in it or not, it works.

  • Chiropractic Philosophy states that if you keep the spinal nerves free of interference, then the body will function normally and heal itself if and when necessary.
  • Chiropractic Art is mastering the dexterity and fine-tuning necessary to make a spinal adjustment, removing nerve interference.
  • Chiropractic Science has been proven to normalize body function when nerve interference is removed from the spinal nerves, increasing nerve flow, blood flow and circulation.
The brain coordinates and controls every function of the body.  The brain sends and receives signals to and from every organ, gland, tissue and cell in the body via spinal nerves.  Because the spinal nerves exit through the spinal bones or vertebrae, if the spine becomes misaligned, the nerves may become irritated or pinched.  This may cause pain, however, in many cases, it causes abnormal nerve flow and lack of normal function to the nerve for that organ, gland or tissue.

Chiropractors specialize in gentle corrections of these spinal misalignments, called "adjustments".  Spinal adjustments un-pinch or take pressure off of the nerves, allowing the body to heal itself and restore things to normal.  When there is continual nerve interference, the body continues to struggle to find that normal balance, what we call "homeostasis"--the state of natural wellness.

If you are tired of being sick and tired, see if Chiropractic can help you today!

Coastal Chiropractic Tampa Bay LLC
Dr. Drew D. Kycynka, DC
2194G Main St.
Dunedin, FL 34698
(727) 733-1601


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