How To Fix Your Foot & Heel Pain

That Nagging Foot & Heel Pain Could Be Plantar Fasciitis

Do you suffer with foot pain, pain in the arches of your feet, pain in the heel or achilles tendon? Does it feel like you're walking on glass, first thing in the morning when you get out of bed?  Chances are, this is Plantar Fasciitis, an acute inflammation of the band of soft tissue running the length of the bottom of your foot.  The plantar fascia also includes some muscles and tendons that support the arches in the feet, which may also become inflamed or injured.

So what causes this and how can you fix it?  First of all, there are many influential factors that may cause a acute flare-up, out of the blue.  The most common things are wearing a new pair of flat or dress shoes, walking or running on hard surfaces more than usual, tearing up your carpet and putting hard wood or tile down and extra tight calf muscles.  All of these will stretch the plantar fascia, causing microscopic tears and inflammation, leading to pain.  However, the most common cause of the plantar fascia stretching is the weakening and dropping of the plantar arches.  

There are 3 arches in each foot, forming a "plantar vault or dome", acting a shock absorbers.  When these arches break down, you lose the spring in your step and do not absorb the shock from walking, running or jumping and the plantar fascia stretches and sometimes tears.  "In every case of plantar fasciitis that I've ever seen, the plantar arches are always broken down in one form or another", says Dr. Drew Kycynka, DC. "People will try to fix the arches themselves with off-the-shelf arch supports, marketed as custom orthotics, only to be discouraged at the lack of results.  You have to measure, support and custom correct all 3 arches in order to fix the problem; this is what we specialize in".

While general inflammation will subside with home care, advanced inflammation and small tears may require more professional intervention.  Home care may include ice, stretching, massaging and supporting the plantar fascia. However, problems persisting longer than a week will require professional treatment.  We always recommend balancing your feet with our custom functional foot orthotics.
"We have great success with plantar fasciitis because we correct the root of the problem, providing all natural, non-surgical care, allowing the body to heal itself", states Dr. Drew.

If you suffer from foot or heal pain, don't wait, give us a call to see if you may be a candidate for our fast and effective treatment.

Call Coastal Natural Wellness @ (727) 733-1601 for more information.


  1. Thank you for sharing quality information. This information will definitely help in relieving foot pain for anyone but sometimes it becomes a serious concern then we need to consult doctors or any foot care expert. But if you are still experiencing problems with your foot pain, I would like to suggest to KidSole that they offer a wide variety of problem-solving insoles, heel-cups, and gel heel socks.


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