Non-Surgical Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractor Successfully Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Surgery Is Not Recommended For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Hand Pain

Many people suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), causing burning pain, electric shocks or numbness in the hand, wrist and fingers.  True CTS is caused by irritation to a nerve, the Median Nerve, which runs through a tunnel formed by the wrist bones.  Through repetitious movements, such as working on a computer, assembly lines, hair stylists, mechanics or construction workers, the bones which form the tunnel may become mis-aligned and pinch the Median Nerve.  Often times with CTS, it will awaken you in the middle of the night.

Where the allopathic approach is to perform surgery, this process will only cause more scar tissue and problems down the road, which may lead to more surgery.

Specially trained Chiropractors perform adjustments to the hands and wrists which naturally un-pinches the nerve and allows proper healing without surgery.

If you or someone you know suffers from hand, wrist or finger pain, we can help.
Call Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin today (727) 733-1601.


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