The Best Healthcare Choice You Will Ever Make

Chiropractic Care In Dunedin

Health is not just the absence of symptoms or disease.  Health is a balance of all body parts working harmoniously together, the way that they were designed.  This is what we call "homeostasis".  We've all known someone who had no pain, no symptoms and then a routine test revealed a malignant tumor.  They had cancer, but no symptoms, so were they healthy?  How about the husband who had no signs of high blood pressure or heart disease, only to drop dead of a heart attack.  Were they healthy? NO.

Your body is divided into systems for different bodily functions.  Keeping these systems operating properly is essential for health and wellness.  These systems are all controlled by your Nervous System.  The Nervous System is the "Master Control System" of your body.  Your brain controls and coordinates every activity of your body through the Nervous System.  Therefore, it is crucial to health, wellness & normal bodily functions to have optimum nerve flow.  The nerves branch off of your spinal cord and pass through holes in the spinal bones and then proceed to whichever organ or body part they control.  When spinal bones become misaligned, they lock up and get "stuck" out of place.  When this happens, the nerves are irritated and the nerve flow is decreased.  The symptoms created by this problem may be small or big, as it varies and treating the symptoms does not fix the problem.

If you do not fix the problem, the symptoms will only continue and usually, the problem will get worse.  This is why choosing Chiropractic to maintain optimum health, wellness and body function is the best healthcare decision you can ever make.  Get Healthy & Stay Healthy With Chiropractic.
Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin (727) 733-1601


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