Auto Accident?
Have you been in an accident or know someone who has been in an accident?
Even a minor bump from behind can cause serious damage that if not treated could turn into a long term issue. The pain caused by an auto accident WILL NOT go away on it's own and DOES NOT need to be treated with medication! We have had amazing results and complete correction with our patients that have been in many different kinds of auto accidents. Minor or major accidents will result in long term pain if not treated right away, so do not delay!
If you know someone that has been in an auto accident encourage them to seek out a drug free solution before being encouraged by others to turn to medication, injections or other services that will only mask the pain, not correct it.
Call us TODAY for a consultation and let us help you receive complete correction instead of life long battles with pain and medicine.
1-727-733-1601 Dr. Drew D. Kycynka Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin
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