Are You Junkfood Or Healthfood?

We've all heard the saying that "you are what you eat".  Well, this is true.  Our bodies are designed to eat naturally grown, whole foods.  In this age of convenience and fast food, we are overloading our bodies with chemicals and processed foods, grown with hormones, anti-biotics, artificial colorings and preservatives.  Some say that we are exposed to as many as 20,000 chemicals/day.  These harmful chemicals are known to cause, breathing problems, asthma, heart problems, diabetes, cancer and many other ailments.  The governments FDA is well aware of this, however, they still allow these chemicals to be used in foods.  Today, most of the soy, wheat and corn that we consume is "genetically modified", in that harmful pesticides, insectisides, hormones and other chemicals are added to the seeds.  These GMO foods have been found to cause serious health problems and the food companies do not have to inform you of their existence in the foods.  So, the bottom line is, You Are What You Eat and eating organically grown, whole foods is the best way to maintain a healthy life.  Stick to eating what we call "single ingredient foods", such as organically gown apples and you won't have to worry about reading the label.
Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin
(727) 733-1601


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