What Is The Cause Of My Pain

Understanding Back Pain Mechanisms

Understanding the cause of your pain is important in order to make the necessary correction.  Pain pills and injections only mask the cause and do not address the primary problem, in most cases.  Research has shown that in the majority of back pain, neck pain and overall joint pain, that the primary cause is inflammation from the joint tissues that are not moving normally.  When Joints become stuck, fixated or locked up, as is the the case of arthritis and injuries, the body goes into a protective state.  This cycle promotes inflammation, muscle & ligament stiffness and turns on pain signals.

This protective, inflammatory, pain cycle may continue for a lifetime, until the normal mobility is restored to the joint tissues.  Unfortunately, popping pills for the pain & inflammation, only temporarily masks the cause.  By popping pills for prolonged periods of time, not only are you risking irreversible stomach, kidney & liver damage, you allow a degenerative process to occur within the joint tissues, causing more damage & pain.
The good news is that if you can restore normal mobility to the joint tissues, you can turn off the inflammatory chemicals, turn off the pain signals and release the muscle & ligament spasms.  With our new technology, this process is easier than ever before.  Gentle, safe & effective chiropractic spinal adjustments with our Impulse IQ instrument are the most efficient method of restoring normal spinal mobility & putting an end to pain!
Coastal Chiropractic Dunedin
(727) 733-1601


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