Could You Be Experiencing Spinal Decay?

How can Coastal Chiropractic help you?

As with tooth decay, early detection of spinal decay can help avoid painful symptoms and permanent damage. Many believe that uncorrected spinal trauma from the birth process starts the spinal decay seen later in adults. That's why we suggest chiropractic examination for newborns and infants.
Your body adapts to uncorrected spinal stress by depositing calcium into affected joints. As if the body is trying to mend a broken bone, it attempts to "repair" the malfunctioning spinal joint by joining the two segments together! We call this slow, relentless, degenerative process "spinal decay".
Can chiropractic care help those with advanced cases? Absolutely. While chiropractic care cannot help areas of the spine already fused together, areas of the spine not yet affected can often benefit from chiropractic care.
Can spinal decay be reversed? When spinal decay is detected at an early stage, chiropractic intervention can produce remarkable benefits. In phase 1 cases, many patients see the restoration of spinal curves and improved mobility. Chiropractic care at later stages shows promise, but results vary from patient to patient.
Isn't this just a normal part of the aging process? Because spinal decay is often (but not always) seen in the elderly, some people are misled into believing that it is merely part of the aging process. Not true. It seems clear that it is the result of long-standing, uncorrected spinal stress.
Don't delay!! Set up your plan of action to avoid pain that is not a normal or necessary part of your life. Visit us at and call us at 727-733-1601


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